Stockists and Shows
Find Polymath Design Lab items in person at these locations:

- The Playground
NE Portland, Open for special events only
Spirosketch, Jewelry, Home Decor
- Ada’s Technical Books
713 Broadway East, Seattle
Sewing Electrified, Spirosketch, Jewelry
Polymath Design Lab will be vending at these upcoming events:
- Urban Craft Uprising, Seattle WA
December 1-2, 2012 - More Winter 2012 events to be announced soon!
Past events:
- Bay Area Maker Faire, San Mateo CA
May 2012 - Gifted: A Maker’s Marketplace, Portland OR
December 2011 - Urban Craft Uprising, Seattle WA
August 2009, December 2009, July 2010, December 2010, July 2011, December 2011 - OHSU Heart Research Have A Heart For Mom Bazaar, Portland OR
May 2011, November 2011, May 2012 - Vancouver Mini Maker Faire, Vancouver BC
June 2011 - Hip Happening, Portland OR
November 2010, February 2011 - Alberta Art Hop, Portland OR
May 2010 - Crafty Wonderland, Portland OR
May 2009, December 2009
Interested in carrying Polymath Design Lab at your store? Download a line sheet here with retail pricing, or email for a wholesale line sheet.