Lookee there! That’s my new workbench, ready to use. A friend who loves woodworking and had all of the necessary tools and know-how came over and built it for us, for which I am extremely grateful. The post in the middle is sunk into the garage floor and filled with concrete to protect the back wall. so we had to design around it… Made for quite a tall workbench, but that’s actually quite nice for the finer detail work I’m generally doing.
Bob also designed it with a replaceable table-top… the hardboard layer on top is attached with carpet tape, and there’s a hole drilled through the bottom layers to allow you to push through and pop out the top once it’s beat up – there’s a spare one ready leaning up against the wall.
The bench is actually not quite finished – there’s going to be a shelf over those bottom supports, and some edging on the table-top… but it’s usable right now, and use it I have. You may understand even more of why I’m so excited about this, if you see my previous “workbench” set-up:
An old Ikea bookcase that had been warped while my stuff was in storage for a year… it couldn’t stand up straight, but flattens itself under its own weight when placed on its side. Seating provided by the upside-down 5 gallon bucket. This had the additional drawback that it left me below the line-of-site of the motion detector that’s wired to our garage overhead light, so I had to wave my arms around every so often or I’d suddenly be in pitch darkness.
Okay, now that I’m done showing off the workbench, I’m going to get back to using it. More later!