This always seems to be the most awkward part of starting a new blog or website…. the small talk before you can get into a real conversation. But it’s a necessary awkwardness, so let’s just dive right in:
I’ll start with a bit of information about me. I’m a 29-year-old woman living just outside of Portland, Oregon with my husband Sean and a couple of house plants (unfortunately, he’s quite allergic to most pets.) By day I manage a customer service department, and on evenings and weekends I can generally be found either working on my creations, attending a concert, reading, or geeking out playing computer games.
I’m in the midst of launching Polymath Design Lab – developing the product line, the website, the brand as a whole. I’ll be posting soon on the reasoning behind the name, and you’ll have the opportunity to watch and read about the whole process of getting the company up and running. Thanks for joining me!