3… 2… 1… Launch!
It’s official! I posted my first item on my etsy shop this weekend – and I have a few more that are just awaiting a second coat of sealant and some good photos before they can be added. I’ve been holding off on really directing anyone to this site until I got all of the sections up and put some items up for sale – now that both of those milestones have been reached, it’s time to start getting my name out there. I’m still figuring out where and how to do that, but at very least I’m ready to pass the address out to friends…
I’ve also been busily working away on my second Ponoko order – Though I’ll be waiting until they launch their new Prime service and metal options before I submit it. This time I’ll also be making my first attempt at a 3-D design, a trinket box that should hopefully hold together sturdily with no glue or fastening hardware.
Really, it’s kind of amazing how I’ve been bubbling over with ideas since I decided to start Polymath… too many to reasonably focus on at once. I keep having to just add things to my sketchbook and decide which ones should wait until later. At the moment, anything involving electronics is likely to stay on the back burner until after the holidays unless it comes in as a custom work request. Thank goodness for Moleskines and Maker’s Notebooks! I keep a soft-sided graph paper moleskine in my purse to capture and rough out the ideas that strike when I’m out and about, and the larger, hardback Maker’s Notebook at home for the things that require further planning. (For anyone interested, I got my Maker’s Notebook free with my subscription to MAKE: magazine, and the offer is still going, though I’m not sure for how long. Use code TGAWK on their subscription page.)