A Roundup of Plush SCIENCE!
I’d like to start using this blog to talk more about what’s going on in the wider world of art and craft meeting science and technology, as well as what’s happening in my own little world. I’ve decided to kick this off with a look at some great combinations of hard science with the soft and squishy.
To start, I’d like to direct your attention to fellow Mad Scientists of Etsy team member FurWillFly, whose creations include “The Insiders,” a family of plushies which each feature one anatomical feature, like this friendly-looking guy:
GIANTmicrobes turns out cuddly versions of the very small – from dust mites to platelets. We had some of their diseases around the office a few years ago, and everyone took no end of pleasure in giving each other the flu, flesh eating disease, and even the clap!
And if the single-celled isn’t small enough for you, I also recently discovered ParticleZoo, who makes adorable plush subatomic particles. They’re available singly, or in sets like the Universe in a Box, and she’s gone so far as to weight them by relative mass!
Did all that cute make you feel like crafting your own plush scientific goodness? Perhaps you should take a look at this plush cell model instructable.