3… 2… 1… Launch!

Balloon Launch - photo by Flickr user mrkvm

It’s official! I posted my first item on my etsy shop this weekend Continue Reading →

Creative Business Spotlight – Flood Clothing

One of the things I would like to do in this space is periodically highlight a creative business that I particularly like. I’m going to kick off the Spotlight series by drawing your attention to Flood Clothing. Continue Reading →

Ponoko a-go-go

This week I received my first order back from Ponoko. If you are interested in making things and you haven’t heard of them, you should really check them out – it’s a company based in New Zealand that allows you to upload either a vector graphic file or a photo of something you’ve designed and have it laser-cut and etched into any one of a number of possible materials. Continue Reading →

Excuse the upheaval, please

I initially set up this blog on an installation of wordpress, but after talking with my friend who runs Nidaba Design and hearing her glowing recommendations I decided to explore the Joomla platform. I was initially going to leave the blog and joomla site separate, but decided that it would probably be easier to just have everything in one place, so I’m in the process of restructuring everything to make that work. Comments, RSS, and other standard blog goodies should be up soon – thanks for your patience.

A Polymath’s Halloween

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love the costumes, and the spookiness, and the sense of fun and playfulness that seems to me to be more entrenched in Halloween than any of the other major holidays. Continue Reading →